Instagram Hashtags Scraper

A smart tool to scrape hashtags from Instagram and export to CSV with one click.

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The best chrome extension to Scrape hashtags from Instagram.

You can research hashtags in your niche on Instagram from User、Hashtag、Location.


We provide many features you can use.

  •  One-click to Export Instagram Hashtags From User
  •  One-click to Export Instagram Hashtags From Hashtag
  •  One-click to Export Instagram Hashtags From Location


Get started for free. No card required, cancel anytime.

Export up to 100 Hashtags at a time
Export Instagram Hashtags From User
Export Instagram Hashtags From Hashtag
Export Instagram Hashtags From Location
Basic Support
Export 10,000 Hashtags at a time
Export Instagram Hashtags From User
Export Instagram Hashtags From Hashtag
Export Instagram Hashtags From Location
Premium Support
$11.95 $14.95/Month


We know you'll love our professional services, but let us prove it. If our service hasn't exceeded your expectations after 7 days, you'll get a full refund. Simple as that.



  How to find Instagram location Id?

  1. Log in to Instagram and search for the desired location e.g. New York, U.S.A. Click search result with location icon.

  2. On the location page the Instagram location ID is a numeric part of the URL

    On the location page the Instagram location ID is a numeric part of the URL

  What is the difference between a Free account and a Pro account?

  • Free account can only export up to 100 Hashtags at a time.
  • Pro account can export 10000 Hashtags at a time.

  Why does the export function pause?

Because of frequent network requests, Instagram blocks access to the current IP address. You can pause, wait for 10 minutes, and then continue.

  How to cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your premium subscription at any time, by clicking the PRO button, and finally clicking the  CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION button.